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Family Law Attorney in Carrington, North Dakota

Navigating the complex terrain of family law can be overwhelming, whether you're facing the heartache of a divorce or the joy of an adoption. At Brinster Law, P.C., we recognize the emotional toll these situations can take.

That's why our team, guided by the experience of attorneys Kara Brinster and Matthew Zimney, is committed to standing beside you through every twist and turn.

Our promise is not just to provide legal counsel, but to offer a steady hand of compassionate support that respects your personal circumstances and emotions. Rest assured, with us in your corner, you won't have to face these challenges alone. We're here to lighten your load and guide you toward a resolution that aligns with your best interests.

Pre- and Postnuptial Agreements

Protecting your assets and ensuring a fair distribution in the event of a divorce is crucial, and pre- and postnuptial agreements can be your invaluable allies. These agreements outline how assets and debts will be divided and address issues such as spousal support and property division. We're here to help you navigate the intricacies of creating a legally-binding agreement that meets your specific needs. 

Your Family Deserves the Best

Divorce in North Dakota

In North Dakota, family law is designed to ensure fair and equitable solutions for all parties involved. Going through a divorce in North Dakota involves several key steps. Here is a general overview:

  • Eligibility: Verify your eligibility to file for divorce in North Dakota. At least one spouse must have been a resident of the state for a minimum of six months at the time that judgment is entered.
  • Filing the Divorce complaint: The initiating spouse, known as the plaintiff, files the divorce papers with the district court of the county in which the defendant resides. The other party, the defendant, will then be served with the divorce papers.
  • Financial Disclosure: Both spouses are required to provide a comprehensive disclosure of their financial situation, including assets, debts, income, and expenses.
  • Negotiations: If possible, both parties try to negotiate the terms of the divorce, including matters related to property division, residential responsibility of a child, spousal support, and child support.
  • Court Proceedings: If the parties can't reach an agreement, the court will step in. A judge will make decisions on contested matters during court hearings.
  • Final Judgment: Once all issues are resolved, the court will issue a divorce decree, officially ending the marriage. The terms of the divorce, such as asset and debt distribution, spousal support, residential responsibility of a child, and parenting time, will be outlined in this decree.

Whether your divorce is contested or uncontested, our experienced attorneys are here to guide you through the process and protect your rights. We have the knowledge to help you achieve a fair and favorable outcome. From asset division to residential responsibility, we'll advocate for your best interests every step of the way. 

Spousal Support

Spousal support is a financial arrangement that may be awarded to one spouse during or after a divorce. It's meant to provide financial support to the spouse who might be at a disadvantage due to income disparity or sacrifices made during the marriage. We can help you understand your rights and obligations regarding spousal support.

Asset Division

North Dakota is an equitable distribution state, which means that all marital property is divided in a manner that the court deems fair, but not necessarily equal. Factors taken into consideration include each party's contributions to the marital estate, the length of the marriage, and the needs of each party following the divorce. 

Children and Divorce

When children are involved in a divorce, their well-being is our utmost priority. We understand the sensitive nature of child-related issues and will prioritize the best interests of your children. We can assist with residential responsibility matters, including modification of residential responsibility arrangements, child support, parenting time rights, and parenting evaluations


Mediation can be a valuable alternative to traditional litigation in resolving family law disputes. Kara is a skilled mediator and can facilitate productive discussions and negotiations between parties, allowing you to reach mutually-agreeable solutions.

Juvenile Guardianship

Juvenile guardianship refers to the legal process where a court assigns a guardian other than the child's biological parents the responsibility of taking care of the child and making decisions on their behalf. This typically occurs when the parents are unable to provide suitable care due to reasons such as illness, death, incarceration, or issues related to substance abuse.

As a guardian, the appointed adult will have the responsibility of ensuring the child's physical well-being, which includes matters related to health, education, and daily care. Juvenile guardianship arrangements are always subject to court review to ensure the child's best interests are being served.

Domestic Violence Protection Orders

If you're experiencing domestic violence or believe you're in immediate danger, it's crucial to seek legal protection. We can help you obtain domestic violence protection orders, which provide legal safeguards for victims.

Name Changes 

A name change involves legally altering the name that you were given at birth, adoption, or marriage. This change can be made for any number of reasons, including personal preference, divorce, or to share the same last name as a spouse or child. The process of changing your name includes filing a petition with the court, completing a background check, and attending a court hearing.

Once a name change has been granted, it's important to update this information with various institutions such as the Social Security Administration, the DMV, and your personal bank. At Brinster Law, P.C., we're experienced in name change cases and can help you go through the process smoothly. 

Grandparent Rights

Grandparents can play a significant role in a child's life, and in some situations, they may seek legal rights to maintain their relationship with the grandchild. Grandparent rights can involve visitation privileges or even custody, particularly in cases where the parents are unable to provide adequate care. The paramount consideration in such cases is always the best interest of the child.


Choosing to adopt is a profound and life-changing decision for those eager to create or expand their family. The adoption process can be complex, involving various legal steps such as consent, a home study, and post-placement reports. If you are a stepparent looking to adopt your stepchild, we can assist you with this important change in your relationship. No matter what type of adoption you're pursuing, we're here to provide guidance for a smooth process as you embark on this exciting journey.

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